Our family:

David Gay
at acm.org: dgay
+1 (510) 206 2216

Olga Popova
at yahoo.com: olga_z_popova
+1 (510) 761 3548

Katya Gay
at barnowl.org: katya

Google, Inc
San Francisco, CA

432 Hudson Ave
Oakland, CA 94618

Things that David does

Skiing (with Olga), when there is snow. Hiking (with Olga) when the weather is good, i.e. all the time. Cooking (for Olga) when we're hungry, i.e. all the time. And badminton!

I worked for eight years at Intel Research in Berkeley, on sensor networks and programming languages. A summary of my research can be found here.

I used to spend a lot of time on, and working on, MUME, a multi-user role-playing (?) game based on Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". You can do the same!

Things that Olga does

Climbing with girlfriends (and David, when he's not playing badminton). Mountains (with David). Learning French (apparently David answers in English). Spoiling the cat.

Olga teaches art to children at the Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley.

The world ?